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Running a small business, or being a freelancer comes with a range of things you need to tackle. And, in those things will be your personal organization. Not only does this help you become more productive, but you can effectively manage the two sides of your life (that will eventually merge into one). But how do you arrange your own organization? Well, here are some tips for you:


When you launch a business, it is often the case that you will get bank cards or credit cards that are linked to your business. As well as your personal ones, it is wise to invest a cardholder than can keep everything stored in well. And if you have staff, it would be prudent to provide them with an ID card holder.


While much filing is now done purely by cloud sharing, or electronically in databases, there will be occasions where you need to keep useful records to hand. Rather than get a large filing cabinet, purchase smaller folders with a sole purpose. You can keep insurance documents in one, financial and tax receipts in another, and other things that you need quick access too. Of course, when you keep your files well, it will help you when it comes to filing your taxes and VAT – your accountant or bookkeeper will thank you too. 


If you have personal projects that you need to take care of on the go, then you might consider an app that works across all of your systems. Evernote comes highly recommended for building full projects and can be shared with other people too. Keeping everyone on track. 


We work in a world where your graphic designed might live in Singapore, but your Copywriter is in the UK. So you need to have a communication system that works quickly for everyone. Slack is an excellent option as it has a desktop option and a mobile application. There are a few integration options like Google Docs and Unsplash too. Making it efficient for sharing work, updates no matter what time zone – and is more professional than using a WhatsApp group. 


If you always work in the same space, then you should make sure that your desk, the area around it is neat. If you are prone to procrastination, then having a mess surrounding where you work will allow you to start cleaning and rearranging things rather than get your work done. The same goes for any team you might have. Ensure that they can work in clean and tidy surroundings too. 


You should sandwich your week in a particular way. For example, checking work emails, and making your weekly to-do list on a Monday morning, and review and wrap up work at a designated time on a Friday. This will be your signal that Monday = go time and the last thing on a Friday = personal time. And you can try to make sure that work doesn’t leak into your own time too much.

This is a contributed post.

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