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Climate change is on everyone’s agenda at the moment… and rightly so.

For the business owner, it can seem like a complex problem. It feels like it will be expensive to change business initiatives. 

On the other hand, if certain things aren’t altered to be in line with public perception, you will lose customers over time. People like shopping with businesses that care for the environment. And, it’s a trend that’s picking up steam. 

At the moment, most businesses can still get away with not being green at all, but the slope is slipping. Start now and be slightly ahead of the curve, while immediately reducing a multitude of costs.


If your business works in an area that can’t be all green, think about changing aspects of your business to appeal to those who want to reverse climate change.

Restaurants are a good example: Not all food is responsibly sourced. When you responsibly source your food, you can tout it in your menu and marketing — all while raising prices to offset any costs you incur. doable of course, but it means the cost for each menu item will increase for yourself. Throwing a few things on the menu will widen the appeal.

This gives immediate brand lift, and potentially a margin boost as well.

If you don’t have a business right now, but having a green impact is important to you, you could think about starting a microgreens business


How you power your business is another way of making sure customers know you’re environmentally friendly, while lowering costs. It doesn’t have to be completely green-powered, but a little bit can go a long way.

Think about solar power first. Do you operate someplace that would allow solar installation? Remember, any extra energy you don’t use you can usually sell back. 

There are other ways of generating energy in a clean way. Look at wind energy — personal turbines are now a thing. Geothermal heating is another way, using the natural heat from the Earth to warm your business.


If it isn’t possible to do any of the above, there are options to take which can allow you to put up a green defense.

Can you allow your employees to work from home for one day a week?

For a start, you save money on energy and you may see an increase in productivity. And them being at home means they don’t commute, lessening emissions. 

Think about the stationary you purchase.

It may be a little more expensive, but can you get ones made from recycled material.

Do you give out plastic bags to customers?

Start using paper ones or encourage them to bring their own.

This takes work up front, but the brand lift will be exponential — and some savings will immediately impact your bottom line.

This is a contributed post.

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