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Familiarity is alluring because we feel capable of doing things the way we have always done them. In business, though, you have to take calculated risks. Veering from one marketing style to another can feel highly sketchy… and risky.

But what if that new way of doing things stands to connect you with your customers like never before?

Outbound marketing is very comforting because you have full control. Essentially, you’re writing and presenting the narrative. You’re expressing what your business is able to do for your customers.

Inbound marketing is when you educate your customers . It’s more reactionary. It’s more authentic.

Educational engagement is how you should begin.

What does it mean?

When you’re trying to captivate an audience in today’s era, you have to have more than just a product that’s solving a problem. These days, the emotional connection is pretty much the best tool you have to start off any marketing campaign.

The Inbound marketing meaning is quite simple to understand and implement.

Instead of running your own narrative, you’re tailoring your content to fit your audience.

You’re not trying to disrupt your buyer’s journey. Instead, you’re focussing on solving their problems. You’re reacting to consumers and showing them that you’re listening to their concerns.

Be helpful and most of all be a dependable resource of offering educational information. This way you stand to make a lasting impression instead of dipping in and out of their lives.

Where to begin

Attraction is the name of the game, and social media, blog content, videos, infographics and ads are your tools.

Take a look at Elon Musk’s SpaceX company. It has a YouTube channel, whereby it publishes content of what’s going on behind the scenes. It’s free, it’s informative and the employees as well as Musk, express what their business is doing and why.

Consumers can sit back and enjoy the content, learn a thing or two and feel more connected to the goals of the company.

This is exactly what your business should do regarding inbound marketing and performing an educational engagement. 


Inbound marketing relies on consumers themselves, interacting with you first. They will leave comments, share content gives you YouTube videos likes etc.

If and when a customer asks you a question, this is your cue to respond.

If they are asking you a question regarding when something will be ready regarding your products and services, respond back with accurate information and ask them why they are asking that question. The engagement has to occur almost instantly and it must be real.

Educational engagement is the best marketing strategy out there today.

You’re putting content out into the consumer space, waiting for a response so you should engage and suit the needs of the customer.

This is a contributed post.

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