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Not for one minute should you give up on your digital marketing techniques as a small business. However, it is essential to recognize that in real life (IRL) techniques are still effective, especially if you use them in combination with online ones. Luckily, that is a topic you can find out all about in the post below. 

Community involvement 

Community and charity involvement is a hugely influential form of combination marketing for your business. This is because aligning yourself with a good cause, creates a great deal of positive regard and enhances your reputation both online and IRL (In Real Life.)  

Of course, for this to be as effective as possible, it is crucial to brand any community or charity work well. That means using office business colors, and logos, as well as providing things such as t-shirts and badges for volunteers for any events you run. 

You can even ask for your logo to be included in all the events or charity signage and merch as well. Something that will ensure that you become synonymous with this cause and so impress and spread your message to a vast range of local clients and potential online customers too.  

Selfie Marketing

Selfie marketing

OK, so this method combines the digital and real worlds, but the majority of the work your business will need to do is IRL. The idea of selfie marketing is that you create an opportunity for people to take a selfie, something they do regularly already.

Of course, the kicker is that within that selfie, your business logo, brand, or products will be featured. This being a tactic that can help spread the word about your business online in a very organic and natural way. Something that potential customers often respond to very positively. 

You will need to do two things for this strategy to be effective, though. The first is to create a selfie background appealing enough to get people to want to snap it. Additionally, you will need to get whoever posts the photos to tag your business on social media, as well. An action you can convince them to do by offering a discount once the task has been completed. Then your business will be in an excellent position to go viral, all due to this simple combination marketing method. 


Another effective IRL method is signage. In fact, despite the digital revolution, most businesses and stores have static signage to mark them out and allow customers to find them. Of course, IRL signage can be used in additional ways as well, including notifying customers of special offers, changes, and even providing instructions to make their experience with your business better. 

Then, there are the digital signs which we are beginning to see trickle into IRL businesses. Obviously, the effect here is direct rather than online, although you get the benefits like speed and flexibility of the digital world. Something evident in the rate in which you can change your signage, and how it can be animated for additional effect. 

QR Code Marketing


Flyers often get overlooked in marketing these days. After all, they are relatively cheap throwaway items, used to try and grab the attention of as many people as possible. 

However, what business focused on digital marketing often forget is that even the humble flyer can be used as an effective combination method. 
In fact, it’s pretty simple to achieve this. All you need to do is include your website address or social media handles. You can even use a QR code that takes the customers directly to your site. Something that marketing providers (like Third Angle, for example) can help you do. Along with the graphic design and the printing of the flyer itself.

Of course, you can take things even further if you like. One method of doing so is to include an offer that can only be redeemed by following the link you provide on the flyer. Additionally, why not consider having a custom landing page designed just for this promotion? A strategy that means you can tailor everything about it to the demographic you are looking to appeal too, and so increase your chances of conversion. 

Reward cards and loyalty schemes

Up until recently, reward cards used to be a strictly IRL marketing technique. In fact, you got a stamp on your card every time you bought something from the shop. Then you saved up the marks until you had enough for a free product or prize. 

However, this is no longer the case. In fact, reward cards are rarely ever made of card anymore, and there is not a stamp to be seen in sight. Instead, plastic credit card options have replaced them, which can be scanned and used to attribute points digitally. It is even possible to have an app created to do this task. Then the customer can download onto their phone and then be swiped over the reader machine IRL when they make a purchase. 

Of course, there is a significant benefit to those types of reward cards. This being the risk of a customer forgetting them is a lot less, especially when it comes to the app. Something that means they are much more likely to continue to spend with you rather than a competitor. 

Trade shows

Finally, one of the most effective forms of combination marketing for your business is to attend a trade show and have a booth. However, it’s not just enough to show up and talk to people or even hand out samples or free gifts. 

Instead, the main aim of going to a trade show should be to increase potential customer interaction online. Happily, there is a range of techniques that can help you. 

These include some of the ideas mentioned above. Also, be sure to run online competition and giveaway that will allow you to collect the contact details of those within your target demographic. In fact, if you can add some interactive elements to your booth and display that demonstrates your virtual presence to those attending in real life. This being a tactic that can make such an event even more effective to your combination marketing strategy.

This is a contributed post.

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