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We spend so much of our time at work that it’s almost like a second home. Yet, while we spend a great deal of time and energy decorating our homes, it’s rare for companies to invest in their office space in this way. If your business is only concerned with functionality and efficiency, you might be missing out without realizing. 

Why does office space matter? 

It turns out that happy and healthy workers are actually better workers. Your office space has a lot to contribute to the health and happiness of your staff. Bright, airy, friendly spaces can boost your team’s wellbeing, increase their work satisfaction, and see productivity soar. What’s more, a workspace that reflects your business well will give visiting clients a winning first impression. So what changes might you consider making to the office? 

Open plan

There’s a reason open-plan offices have become so popular. Modern businesses value collaboration, communication, and creativity. But those things are hard to achieve when everyone is cooped up in cubicles. Switch to an open plan office and see if this makes the office culture more open, too. 


Office lighting tends to be excessively bright. Florescent, strip lighting can contribute to headaches and even migraines. No manager wants to have staff off sick, especially when it’s because of the workplace itself. It’s great if you can choose an office that’s flooded with natural light, such as a renovated warehouse space. But not every workplace has the luxury of large windows. Try replacing strip lighting with yellow-tinted bulbs. 


Where you set up your office can make all the difference to your business. You want to position your business in the most effective way for prospective clients. Where you are located gives the first impression. For example, a modern and exciting start-up might look for a trendy industrial space for rent. Whereas, a high-revenue technology company might be well placed in the more traditional business sector in town. Wherever your office is located, it’s ideal if it has prestige or relevance in your industry. 

You should also consider the location from the perspective of your staff. A central location with excellent transport links and adequate parking is ideal. But what about proximity to shops, restaurants, and bars? This might not be a top priority, but having these amenities will make it easier to develop a thriving team culture. It’s much easier to have after-work drinks or Christmas parties when you’re in a central location. 

Air quality 

You want your team to thrive and be as productive as possible. But if you want a buzzing workplace culture, there’s something you need to consider that you might never think of. That’s the air quality. Being trapped in an office with poor air quality can make staff feel sleepy or even ill. Plus, if your air conditioning needs to be serviced, it could be circulating air contaminated with outdoor pollutants, which could worsen breathing problems. Pay attention to the air quality and see how much more vibrant the office feels.

This is a contributed post.

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